Sunday, November 29, 2009

Films I'm Excited About!

As many of you know, I’m a huge movie fan. Not only do I enjoy watching films, but I enjoy making them. I have a great passion for independent Christian filmmaking and in lieu of that; I’d like to point out a couple of productions I am excited about!

First of all, a documentary entitled Homeschool Dropouts has just been released on DVD. I’ll note that I haven’t had the opportunity to view it yet, but based on the fact that it was produced by the Botkin family, major pioneers in both the homeschooling and independent Christian film movements respectively, I’m inclined to think it will be powerful! Contrary to what your initial reaction might be, this documentary is not necessarily about those students who are dropping out of homeschool and going to public or private schools, but those homeschooled students who have no plans to carry on the homeschooling vision to the next generation, those who are depriving the next generation of the very benefits their parents strived to provide them.

In this documentary, homeschool grads sit down and talk about what’s at stake for the homschooling movement if the second generation of homeschoolers (my generation) does not continue the legacy their parents began. So many of those in the homeschool realm view home education simply as the better method to teach their children reading, writing, and arithmetic, but there is SO much more to home education than just the basic scholastic skills. Nor are Homeschoolers simply the ones who win the national spelling bee or have 10 kids ;) No! Home education is part of a vision, a vision which is not limited to a single generation but one that continues to all future generations as long as we remain faithful.

As one of the rising second generation homeschoolers, it is my goal to take the vision my parents have cast and carry it forward. I long to have the opportunity to home educate my children, should the Lord so bless me. I long to have the opportunity to raise men and women God can use for the furtherance of His kingdom. What is it that is so important to home education? What is it that is so essential for my generation to carry on? There’s only one way to find out; get the documentary!

Secondly, it was recently announced on CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network), that Sherwood Pictures is set to release its next major motion picture in spring 2011 (See video here)! As I’m sure most of you are aware, Sherwood Pictures is an independent Christian film company supported by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. Who, for the past 6 years, has been dedicated to producing films for the glory of God; Flywheel in 2003, Facing the Giants in 2006, and the acclaimed Fireproof in 2008.

Yet, with each new film produced comes a new, powerful message which seeks to exalt Christ and change the world. Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the prominent filmmakers at Sherwood Pictures, are amongst the pioneers of the independent Christian film industry, and are not only making films that present sound biblical messages, but are becoming more technically proficient with each production! Even though Fireproof was the 4th top grossing film the weekend of its release in theaters, raking in an astounding 33 million dollars at the box office, it is clear that money, nor fame, constitute the reason for continued productions. In Stephen’s own words, “If the Lord shuts it down tomorrow - and He can - we can look back and see that for a season, He allowed us to do something that has been impacting lives.”

Anyhow, what excites me most about this project is the plot of the film: Encouraging fathers to be the spiritual leaders of their homes! WOW! Michael Catt, Senior Pastor at Sherwood Baptist Church, when speaking with reporters about the film said, “With action, drama, and humor, this film will embrace God's promise in the Bible to, turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers."

Praise God for this film group! Praise God that He has raised up a couple of brothers, from a town in Georgia, to impact the culture for Jesus Christ through the medium of film. Praise God that He has led these two men to make a film discussing one of the most ubiquitous problems in the Christian family today. Praise God that these men are standing up for the truth of God’s Word in a culture that hates Christ. Praise God that these men understand that the cause of so many problems in our society is fathers who have not assumed their God-given roles as the spiritual leaders of their homes.

Let me encourage you to pray for this production; it has the potential to have a huge impact for family reformation. Be assured, I am eagerly awaiting spring 2011!

May God alone be praised through both of these films, and may He use them in a mighty way to aid in bringing about the reformation of the family that we so desperately need!

In Christ,

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