Twelve hour school day? How about 6-7 days a week? No, that wasn't a typo. You think Obamacare is bad? You got another think commin’. Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, has a few “solutions” to the current educational problems in our society, which, amongst other things, involves transforming government schools into the “center of the community,” thereby destroying the family. Say hello to the government schools of the 21st century:
Be sure and view the videos on this page to hear the Secretary of Education in his own words.
1 comment:
Wow..okay so Arne Duncan thinks that kids are going to be more motivated to come to school for not only 6-7 hours a day but for 12 hours a day all year round no summer..just for more activities?? Most of the activities he mentioned are already available to students they just chose not to participate in them! How can he say the if school becomes the center of the community that greater things will happen in the lives of the family and the children? How is the family supposed to be a family if they only get to really see each other for three hours a day...is that when they are supposed to squeeze in reading to their children, volunteering and getting to know them? I can't believe that there is a school already doing this.. Do you think that all schools will have to end up doing this??
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