Tuesday, June 29, 2010

College Revolutionized

Hedrick Brothers Productions presents: College Revolutionized: It's Time for a Change of Paradigm. Many of you will remember College Critiqued, made back in February. Now, more than twice as long and under a new name, this documentary has been entered in the 2010 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival! May God receive all the glory for this production, now complete!

College; it has become what many would deem the culmination of youth and an experience that will last a lifetime. Despite the fact that many institutions across America have rejected the Bible as the foundation of all sound knowledge, have become places where crime and immorality flow free, and where academic standards are plummeting at an alarming, constant rate; sadly, many Christians have been persuaded that they also must “join the ranks” in attaining a traditional higher education. Why do Christians continue to attend and support these institutions, accumulating debt and acquiring false doctrine? As followers of Christ, what should our response be to the question of higher education? Do we continue to merge with the status quo? In this fascinating documentary, Joshua Hedrick takes you right to the battle zone of some of the greatest cultural wars in our nation, attempting to change the way we view college education. This is college, revolutionized!


John-Clay said...

Wow, I'm excited to see it!

Yuri Richardson said...

Thanks for the notice. Who does one go about getting a copy of this? Is it on DVD?


Joshua Hedrick said...

Hi Yuri!

Currently, the documentary is unavailable. As of now, it has only been entered in a film competition. Should I decide to release it on DVD, I'll make an announcement here on my blog :)

In Christ,

Joshua Hedrick said...

Hi Yuri!

Currently, the documentary is unavailable. As of now, it has only been entered in a film competition. Should I decide to release it on DVD, I'll make an announcement here on my blog :)

In Christ,

Yuri Richardson said...


Thanks for your reply. And by the way it's nice to have you blogging again. Your absence was missed.

Shalom In Messiah (Yeshua)