Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Help me never to expect any happiness from the world,

but only in thee.

Let me not think that I shall be more happy by living to myself,

for I can only be happy if employed for thee,

and if I desire to live in this world

only to do and suffer what thou dost allot me.

Teach me

that if I do not live a life that satisfies thee,

I shall not live a life that will satisfy myself.

Help me to desire the spirit and temper of angels

who willingly come down to this lower world

to perform thy will,

though their desires are heavenly,

and not set in the least upon earthly things;

then I shall be of that temper I ought to have.

Help me not to think of living to thee in my own strength,

but always to look to and rely on thee for assistance.

Teach me that there is no greater truth than this,

that I can do nothing of myself.

Lord, this is the life that no unconverted man can live,

yet it is an end that every godly soul presses after;

Let it be then my concern to devote myself and all to thee.

Make me more fruitful and more spiritual,

for barrenness is my daily affliction and load.

How precious is time, and how painful to see it fly

with little done to good purpose!

I need thy help:

O may my soul sensibly depend upon thee for all sanctification,

and every accomplishment of thy purposes for me,

for the world,

and for thy kingdom.

The Valley of Vision

Gifts of Grace - Happiness

Page 166


Unknown said...

Josh, this was such a timely word! {smile}

I was reminded of a recent quote I uncovered by Jonathan Edwards:

"The enjoyment of God is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Fathers and mothers, husbands, wives or children, or the company of earthly friends, are but shadows; but God is the substance. These are but scattered beams, but God is the sun. These are but streams. But God is the ocean. Therefore it becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward heaven, as it becomes us to make the seeking of our highest end and proper good, the whole work of our lives; to which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for, or set our hearts on, any things else, but that which is our proper end, and true happiness?"

*Thank you* for posting as He moves :) Press on brother to that end.

Yuri Richardson said...


Thanks for posting that most beautiful quote. My prayer is that my life will reflect all that is contained and meant in that passage.
