“If the heart is the heart of the matter, if our children not only are learning to be kingdom builders, but are also being kingdom builders now, if we are to train our children to train their children, then this is something we need to remind ourselves of daily. The devil, you understand, is craftier than the beasts of the field. He doesn't simply whisper in our ears, "Betray your children. Raise them in the nurture and admonition of the state." Instead he distracts us, pulls us off target, makes us forget our calling, piece by piece. Our calling is to keep our eyes on the prize – not to long to be at ease in Babylon, but to long for the city whose builder and maker is God.” --R.C. Sproul Jr. When You Rise Up
A good friend of mine sent me this quote from R.C. Sproul Jr. and I thought it served as an excellent reminder to all of us that as children of the King we are to be kingdom minded people. Meaning, our goal with this life should be to give everything we have in an effort to further the Kingdom of Christ, leaving nothing behind but a generation stronger than the one which preceded it. This is the purpose of our days. Become Kingdom builders, train your children to be Kingdom builders, keep your eyes fixed on Christ, and watch God work.
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