Hello All!
Thank you so much for connecting to my blog! Before I begin writing about various topics I think it only appropriate that I define my purpose for this blog, so you will know what to expect from Speak...Deal...Live...Truly. First of all, my name is Josh; I am, currently, a home educated high school senior, and am very thankful to my parents for making the Biblical decision to home educate my brothers and sisters and me (Deut. 6:6-7, Ephesians 6:4, Titus 2:1, 2 Timothy 4:3, 1 Timothy 6:3-4).
Also, some of you might be wondering what my title (Speak...Deal...Live...Truly) means. Glad you asked! Speak...Deal...Live...Truly is derived from the passage above (Ephesians 4:12-15), which, in verse 15 of the Amplified Version, is translated “Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth (in all things speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly). Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him who is the Head (even) Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).”
I had found this passage while doing my quiet time one morning and that evening I read it to my mom and asked if there was any phrase in that passage I could use as a title for my blog. Mom, reading through the text in my Bible, (ESV, love it!) immediately said, “Truth in Love!” I stood there staring at her and said, “That’s the title of Voddie’s blog.” Needless to say, we figured we should find something different ;-) We then pulled out the Amplified Version, and to our delight found the aforementioned phrase in verse 15. Musing over it for a little while, we decided it would make an excellent title since every area of our lives should be coated in truth. Thus, truth, presented in love, is my overall goal with this blog, in addition to a few specific things I wish to accomplish.
What are those specifics? The purpose of this blog is to post my thoughts, writings, and musings as they pertain to church reformation, cultural transformation, Biblical masculinity, independent Christian film-making, politics, and a variety of other issues. It is also my goal to be an encouragement to young men seeking genuine Biblical manhood. Our world desperately needs real men! Men who, as Robert Lewis in his book Raising A Modern Day Night outlines, will live up to the four cornerstones of manhood; 1) Reject Passivity, 2) Accept Responsibility, 3) Lead Courageously, 4) Accept a Greater Reward...God’s Reward; men who will accept their God-given responsibilities in their families, in their church’s, and in their respective places of work as they minister to the world around them, a world which is becoming ever more hostile toward Christianity.
We need men who truly know what it means to be Prophet, Priest, Provider, and Protector in the home. We need men who will reject feminism and will raise their daughters to encompass the beauty of true Biblical womanhood (Proverbs 31, Titus 2:4-5). We need men who recognize that the modern church movement isn’t the answer to Biblical corporate worship (See these helpful articles which define Biblical corporate worship). We need men to stand out in their social spheres as messengers for Christ. We need men who will fight for the reformation of America. We need men with a multi-generational vision for their families (Psalm 78:1-8, Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 145:4, Joel 1:2-3, Exodus 20:5-6).
Our society lacks these men in abundance! What has happened that generations of young men have grown up not knowing what it means to be a man? Simple, FATHERS have not stepped up and accepted their God-given role. Thus, generations have grown up not knowing the Lord (Judges 2:10). Where are our men? In a society that seems to be worsening every day, where are our Biblical leaders? Some are in our midst, others are yet to come. But men, unless we do something, unless we make an effort to raise the next generation of warriors for Christ, this horrible legacy will only continue.
Instead of looking at the problems prevalent all around us in society and shaking our heads in dismay, hoping that your family or mine might be one of the lucky ones to turn out alright, we should do something. Instead of loathing over the horrible state of our families, our churches, and our nation, why don’t we start raising men who will lead their families, reform the church, and reform America? Why don’t we start raising men who know what genuine manhood is? Because then and only then will we begin to see a transformation in our families, our churches, and our beloved nation! We may not even live to see any of these changes, but a tree has to be planted some time. And as long as we care for and watch over it, the tree will grow. Fathers, teach your men what it means to have a multi-generational vision and when your time comes to depart from this world, you can rest knowing that what you have started has only just begun. You can trust that your men will take the vision given to them and run with it!
This is why I have started this blog. Recognizing that I am a futile human being, whom God, through His grace, can use to impact the world for His glory, it is my goal to provide those around me with some encouragement as they run the race. You will hear from not only myself, but many other wise men as they speak on various issues.
I pray that in some way what is written here will have an impact on the individuals reading. Bearing in mind that there is solely one person I seek to glorify here, Jesus Christ, my Perfect Redeemer!
Come Lord Jesus! Come!
Soli Deo Gloria!
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