1. The Bible is a Book of History
In John chapter three, we find Jesus involved in a dialogue with Nicodemus. Jesus tells him in verse twelve, “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?” You see, the Bible is a book of history. Therefore, if we understand the heavenly or spiritual things, in turn we will understand the history of man; this history will explain the world and science.
In our world, science is subdivided into two categories, operational science and observational science. Creation and Evolutionary scientists both agree on operational science because it is comprised of the rules and laws of science, those things that can be tested in a laboratory. The other category is observational science; it is at this point that the two differing worldviews of Creationists and Evolutionists clash. It is at this point that we reach the stage of disagreement. Why here? Simply because observational science is based on man’s interpretation of the past, and Creationists and Evolutionists have differing interpretations on the history of the world. At this destination, the interpretation we hold of all fields of science becomes a matter of dispute.
Please allow me to pause here for a moment. If we don’t believe the Bible’s definition of science, why then should we believe in the spiritual matters, or the story of Christ? It’s a logical question! Sadly, much of the modern church today says that as long as you believe in Christ, don’t bother to trouble yourself with whether God’s definition of Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, and Astronomy are really true. Their view is, as long as God did it, whether in six days or millions of years, it’s okay. I beg to differ! Your definition of how long creation really took, and the level of God’s involvement in it, determines your worldview.
The answer to the question is clearly laid out in Scripture. God created the world and all things in it in six days, and on the seventh day He rested. In fact, the word for day in the text, translated yom, literally means day! Taking it a step farther, according to research conducted by Answers in Genesis, it was discovered that every single instance the word “day” in the Bible is accompanied by a number, it means a literal 24 hour day. That’s 410 times! What is so ironic about this is that we know what “day” means every other place in Scripture except in Genesis! It is in Genesis that people say “day” is not a literal 24 hour day.
This then prompts a question. Why are the majority of individuals content with a day being a day until they read the account of Creation? Primarily, it is because of the advances in science. People believe the world has undoubtedly been proven to be billions of years old. How have people been deceived? There are many factors that play into this deception, but here are three that I personally have identified:
1) Through the Secular Media
First and foremost, people have been deceived by media of all forms. The majority of people cling to the view that if the scientist said it, it must be true, and if the media reports it, that must confirm it. Individuals who hold to this view are consumers who watch shows on the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and PBS, or read books and magazines without giving any thought to the validity of the content they are ingesting. The same can be said of Hollywood’s propaganda (i.e. Avatar, Star Wars etc...). These shows, books, magazines, and movies claim, without a doubt, that evolution has been proven to be a scientific fact. As a result, most articles, shows, and movies revolve around that worldview. Those who thrive on this information don’t doubt the word of professional scientists or Hollywood’s directors, nor do they take the time to investigate what they learn for themselves. Rather, they prefer to be lazy and accept the “hierarchical,” if you will, teaching they are receiving.
2) Through Radiometric Dating
Another way people have been deceived is through radiometric dating, specifically carbon dating. This is an entirely separate, massive field of science that is very exhaustive to explain, and I don’t IN THE LEAST consider myself to be a scientist :-) but I will do my best! First, however, let’s do a little review...Thinking back to your science class, what is the major building block of life (Don’t worry, I’m not grading you ;) )? The answer is the atom. And, atoms consist of tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Now, the protons in the nucleus of an atom determine what element your particular substance is. For instance, every substance (whether it’s hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon etc...) all have a given number of protons, but the number of neutrons can vary. So for carbon, there is a given number of 6 protons but you could have 6, 7, or even 8 neutrons. And so, combining your protons and neutrons gives you the atomic weight. This is where we get carbon 14, a method of dating fossils and rocks.
Since we have a little review completed we can move forward. It has always been an assumed fact that carbon 12 and carbon 14 (both of which are essential to the carbon 14 dating method) have been and are at a state of equilibrium in the atmosphere. Once again, according to research done by Answers in Genesis, a man by the name of Dr. Willard Libby invented the carbon 14 dating method. Dr. Libby’s view was that the earth is billions of years old, and that according to his calculations, it would take about 30,000 years for carbon 14 and carbon 12 to reach equilibrium. Guess what? His calculations also revealed that carbon 14 and carbon 12 were not at equilibrium. But it only gets better; to this day carbon 14 and carbon 12 are not at equilibrium!
What does this prove? Well it at least shows that since there is no equilibrium between the two forms of carbon, anything dated with carbon 14 is mathematically incorrect. But also this reveals that the earth is not billions, or even millions of years old. Why? Because, as stated, it is estimated that it would take about 30,000 years for carbon 12 and carbon 14 to reach equilibrium, and we still have not reached that point, this is evidence in and of itself for a young earth! I will not go into any greater detail, but the New Answers Book explains that when the decaying magnetic field around the earth is taken into account (which would result in a fewer number of carbon 14), the flood, and catastrophe’s throughout world history, this dating method becomes even more flawed. You see, carbon dating is a method that is almost entirely based on evolutionary assumption, not scientific discovery. So, don’t take what scientists say as absolute truth, remember, they are fallible humans too.
3) Through Incorrect Interpretations of Scripture
The third way people have been deceived is, believe it or not, through incorrect interpretations of Scripture. Numerous passages have and are being ripped out of their original context to “give evidence” for individual’s personal opinions. One such passage that so many refer to in an attempt to produce evidence that it took God thousands or millions of years to create the world is 2 Peter 3:8, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” I can’t tell you how often this excuse is used. I myself have witnessed this while debating the topic of Creation with other people (see Always Being Prepared for an expanded explanation of this verse).
Friends, the reason we are losing so much ground in the culture wars, and a major contributing factor to the lack of believers who are enthusiastic about Scripture, is because so much of the modern church does not agree that the church is a place where science should be taught. Sadly, much of the modern church buys the philosophy that children and adults go to school to learn about such things. There is a sense of dualism as was seen in the Catholic Church in the middle ages; that corrupt separation of the “material” from the “spiritual.” The church is teaching believers ABOUT the Bible, but not teaching believers how to DEFEND the Bible.